I’m super excited to announce that my image “Saddle up” won the first place in the mission “Beautifully organised”, co-organised by Eyeem and Canon. Happy days!
34,641 photos participated in total. The results were announced in late December. This Eyeem Mission generated thousands of amazing images capturing the shapes and symmetries of everyday life. As the winner of Beautifully Organized, I will receive a Canon EOS M10! I just can’t wait to get it in my hands!
The story behind the image:
My winning image was shot in Lijiang, China. It is depicting a small part of the “Impression Lijiang” show, directed by Zhang Yimou. I was very impressed with the uniformity and the dance routine of the performers that I couldn’t help but take a photo of them while they were carrying these colorful saddles. All the performers of the show are actually people of the Naxi minority. They were all trained especially for the show! It is hands down a great spectacle, showcasing amazing cultures!
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